Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August morning

August morning in Carmel Highlands

the rising sun casts a mural on a sea rock wall

meanwhile, inside the greenhouse there are other risings

Friday, August 16, 2013

Steve Gally July 14, 1951 ~ July 16, 2013

Rest in peace, Steve Gally, artist and mason who layed up bricks of kindness and crafted sculptures of caring. Your good works endure and your good deeds have trailblazed on before you.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Sorting out the web at this end...

Troubleshooting our troublesome internet connection...

Still troublesome, but at least I found that the trouble is with our ISP rather than some on-site problem.
Now, when the techie they send arrives, he'll find a pretty accessible tangle of stuff.