SeaRock is wave-washed granite cliffs, wind-swept monterey cypress & pine, an historic granite home growing out of granite cliffs amidst trees, a few acres along the rugged Pacific Ocean coastline.
Built in the early 20th century by a renowned architect Charles Greene, the home remains a monument to an era of craftsmanship and lifestyle gone by.
Listen to the tide until pace and breath slows to match rhythm. Witness creation vibrating and realign with it.
Here I lived from Oct. 2006 through Oct. 2013 as steward and manager.
The first two photos were taken from the same vantage point at about 5:30 pm today. The third photo was taken 15 minutes earlier and is taken from above where the stairs in photo #2 go up to.
We checked out the water and the wetsuits on a morning when the water was a little rough, but not too rough... We swam the south cove, and then walked across the property to the north side and swam under the natural bridge and into the cave. Next time, we'll just swim on over, or under, if the cave indeed goes all the way across. At low tide, of course...
The area under the cottage deck still ain't much to look at, but when I discovered that rats were tunnelling under the concrete foundation into the crawl space adjacent to the downstairs, I excavated down below its bottom and poured new concrete to give them a new challenge. It was already in need of a face lift, so I veneered a layer of rock to the concrete to dress it up a little. When the baby tears grow back, it'll help, too.