Friday, April 10, 2009

the least shall be the greatest

We have paths that are lit by low voltage landscape lights at night for visitors who may find it difficult to navigate our circuitous earthen paths in the dark (like me). The voltage is modulated down from standard line voltage(120 volts) by transformers located at various places around the property. These transformers include a tiny fuse mounted in a holder in the transformer box. I had a string of a dozen lights and 4 motion sensors that quit working and a houseful of visitors on the way. Our local electrician helped me troubleshoot and brainstorm over the phone and set me to checking the fuses. That tiny little coil of wire around a white insulator inside the glass tube had burned through, disabling the whole system. A $1.50 part later, there was a light that shined in the darkness.

Mr. Lincoln ably (no pun intended) proves the point of the post, his image being on the coin of least value, just as Mr. Washington's is on the smallest bill.

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